Psychological assessment (diagnosis) in English.

Looking for a standalone psychological assessment, and does your employer offer (partial) reimbursement?

Bzonder offers (online) psychological evaluations without waitlists in both Dutch and English**.

In 5 weeks* you will have your official diagnosis and psychological assessment report. Need it sooner? Register for a diagnostic express assessment.

*After the first consultation of the psychological evaluation. The first consultation is the intake consultation that follows your pre-intake. If there are any public holidays or vacations during this period, the lead time may be slightly longer.

** Please note that currently registration is only available for Dutch online assessments. At the moment we are expanding our team to meet the increasing demand for our services, this may result in slightly longer waiting times than usual. We are working with a short waiting
list which we are planning based on the application type, the type of request, agreement signing date and payment date. Do you wish to start ahead of the waiting list? We offer the possibility of an express assessment. For further information or inquiries regarding this matter, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. (Updated: 29-05-2024


What is a psychological evaluation?

An official diagnosis is established through a diagnostic assessment or psychological evaluation. This consists of a so-called ‘DSM classification’ of the symptoms you experience. For example, whether your symptoms can be explained by an autism diagnosis, or whether they can be explained by an ADHD diagnosis or something else. In addition, you will also receive a descriptive diagnosis that indicates what the issues are and why.

Why get diagnosed at Bzonder?

We are a team of psychological experts with a specialisation in ADHD, ADD, autism, and stress symptoms. We pay a lot of attention to who you are as a person. 

It goes without saying that we are bound by standards and DSM classifications, which are the basis of diagnostics. For us, however, diagnostics is not just about ‘checking boxes’, but also looking at who you are as a unique person and how your symptoms relate to each other. After all, you don’t just want to be given a ‘label’, but specifically want to know what it means for you. For example, we see many women who were only diagnosed with ADHD later in life, because they taught themselves many coping and compensation strategies that have not been recognized by previous practitioners. This often has major consequences for the person’s course of life and daily functioning.

In addition, we conduct extensive assessments into various parts of your personality and symptoms. We don’t just look at whether or not you have one specific diagnosis, but assess you as a whole. This gives you a more complete picture of where your symptoms come from. You will also receive a complete psychological report from us at the end of the evaluation. If desired, you can also combine a psychological evaluation with career advice.

Finally, we do not have a waitlist. If you are flexible in your appointment options, you can start immediately* with us.


How much does a psychological assessment cost?

The cost of a complex basic assessment is 2498,95 euros. A complex basic assessment is based on the presumption of a well-defined specific diagnosis. Only Bzonder can determine whether this is the right trajectory for you.

The cost of a complex assessment plus is 2939,95 euros. A complex plus psychological evaluation is based on broad diagnostics. This is the general diagnostic procedure. 

For an express assessment there is a surcharge of +100%. For in-office sessions there is an additional surcharge.

A psychological evaluation at Bzonder is not covered by (Dutch) health insurance and has no medical necessity. Our clients are responsible for the payment of their trajectory, or their employer contributes (partly) to the cost of our services.

Freelancer in The Netherlands? Then you might be able to get a tax benefit through a deduction. This may cut the assessment cost in half.

It is always at the discretion of Bzonder to determine which type of evaluation is appropriate for your situation.

What does a diagnostic assessment look like?

Depending on your questions and issues, you will either go through a complex or an express psychological evaluation. Before your first appointment, you will receive a questionnaire that needs to be completed beforehand. The start consists of (a pre-intake and) an intake in two parts, in which we ask you all kinds of questions about yourself, your environment, your past and how you are in life. The third and fourth appointments consist of psychodiagnostic questionnaires (150-210min) or other test material. This often involves someone from your environment who knows you and your behavior well as a child. In addition, you will have another consultation with a second intaker.

When all the information has been processed, you will have a conversation with the intaker about all the findings and receive your psychological report. You can read it at home and then you will have contact with each other about your feedback on the report. At least one consultation takes place through video call. If you wish, the full psychological evaluation can also take place online. Only in case of a neuropsychological assessment, one face-to-face appointment is mandatory. 

More information?

Contact us via Whatsapp, Email or by calling us at +31680049359

Quick overview

✓ No GP referral necessary

✓ No long waitlist

✓ No reimbursement by insurance (this applies to every health insurance in the Netherlands for a stand-alone diagnostic process without treatment intention and without medical necessity)

✓ Suitable for adults (18+)

✓ Often paid by employer

✓ Online or at our Tilburg office

Want to register directly?

You can register directly for a diagnostic trajectory including pre-intake via this form:

Bzonder! helps you become the best version of yourself